Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If Ginseng Could Scream

As I sought to write a letter to my congressman about the conservation of American ginseng, it occurred to me to post a formula for others who might like to write their congressman but might be intimidated by the process.  So today I am sharing the formula I used for petitioning my congressman to act on behalf of American ginseng!  In coming up with this formula, I meshed together some resources from two of my favorite fun websites: Bureau of Communication and The Art of Manliness.

This post will be updated frequently with several facts that can be cherry-picked in formulating a letter petitioning for the conservation of American ginseng.

At any point before you send your letter, you need to know to whom you will address it.  Here is some contact information for representatives of the State of West Virginia and Mercer County.

US Congress

Nick Rahall
601 Federal St., Room 1005
Bluefield, WV 24701
Phone: (304) 325-6222
Fax: (304) 325-0552

Shelly Moore Capito
Charleston Office
4815 MacCorkle Ave., SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: 304.925.5964
Fax: 304.926.8912

WV Senate For Mercer County

H. Truman Chafin (D - Mingo, 06)

Capitol Office:
Room 257M, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7808

P.O. Box 1799
Williamson, WV, 25661-1799
Home Phone: (304) 235-6123
Business Phone: (304) 235-2221

Bill Cole (R - Mercer, 06)

Capitol Office:
Room 200W, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7843

404 Oakhurst Avenue
Bluefield, WV, 24701
Home Phone: (304) 324-0040
Business Phone: (304) 3270511

WV House of Delegates
Marty Gearheart (R - Mercer, 27)

Capitol Office:
Room 4R, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3179

131 Henderson Drive
Bluefield, WV, 24701
Home Phone: (304) 320-0879
Business Phone: (304) 320-0879
John Shott (R - Mercer, 27)
Assistant Minority Whip


Capitol Office:
Room 6R-A, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3187

422 Oakhurst Avenue
Bluefield, WV, 24701
Home Phone: (304) 325-7534
Business Phone: (304) 327-0573
Joe Ellington (R - Mercer, 27)

Capitol Office:
Room 225E, Building 1
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3172

613 Pigeon Roost Trail
Princeton, WV, 24740
Home Phone: (304) 487-6526
Business Phone: (304) 425-3800


Your letter should have this heading:
The Honorable ______________
Office Address
United States House of Representatives/United State Senate
City, State, Zip

FIRST:  Greeting:  To the honorable Theodore Cobblepot, Mayor of Gotham City (Choose your representative),
SECOND:  State your case.  These are just a few examples.
I am writing to ask you to help put an end to the poaching and overharvesting of the endangered American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) in West Virginia.
I am writing to ask for your help to support the rights of landowners to protect their property, and the protected, at-risk wildlife species on their property (such as American ginseng).
 I am writing to ask for you to support landowner’s rights to protect their property from poachers/trespassers.
THIRD:  Why are you concerned?
The rate at which American ginseng is being harvested threatens sustainability of the plant and the ginseng trade industry. 
Those who wish to cultivate ginseng in the wild face the challenge of not being able to deal efficiently with poachers.
Those who trespass onto private property for the purpose of poaching ginseng know that the benefits outweigh the risk they take. 
FOURTH: Twist the knife with facts, not emotion. 
American ginseng is an at-risk species. 
American ginseng is listed under the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
Trespassers on private property are subject to the following West Virginia law:
§61-3B-3. Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance.
West Virginia Code §61-3B-3 is limited in that it does nothing to empower landowners to protect their property in real-time.
FIFTH: What would you like the representative to do?
I ask that you create legislature giving landowners the protection they need from the law to stand up to ginseng poachers on their property. 
Please make landowner’s rights in protecting their ginseng population a higher priority by adjusting the laws to allow for landowners to take action.
SIXTH:  Close your letter with courtesy and respect.  Thank you for your attention. 
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip
Your Phone Number

-     END OF LETTER     -

I wanted to address this issue of American ginseng before moving on to other subjects of Herbal Medicine.  It is important to remember that we must be wise about harvesting the plants that serve to maintain our vitality.  We have to take care of our amazing plants if they are to take care of us.  

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