Round 2:
Just like the first time I infused this oil with Calendula (Calendula officinalis), I used a ratio of 1g Calendula to 5 mL Olive oil. I processed 10g Calendula in my coffee grinder (last time I used a hand crank sifter).
I had 31.5mL of previously calendulated oil, which I topped off to 50 mL using fresh Olive oil.
I mixed the processed Calendula with the infused oil and placed the jar of oil and Calendula on the steamer basket, just as the first time I infused the oil.
Two hours later…
This time, I squeezed out 39.5mL oil.
I’m happier that my end result was greater than the first infusion.
I lost quite a bit of oil in my jar. Its awkward shape made it
challenging to scrape out every last drop of oil. For the third
infusion, I am going put the mixture of oil and flowers directly into
the double-boiler.
Round 3:
This time, I had 39.5 mL of doubly calendulated oil to work with. When I went to weigh my calendula, I discovered that I only had 5g remaining. I decided to continue mission and process the 5g I had. As before, I topped off my oil to 50 mL because I want a greater amount of oil. Because I had only half the amount of calendula as before, I decided to double-boil my mixture of calendula and doubly calendulated oil for three hours instead of two.
I placed the mixture of flowers and oil into the double boiler and waited while the water simmered on the stove.
Three hours later…
It appears that I caught my calendula just as it began to fry. My pot had run out of water! "Continue mission."
I pressed out the oil as before and my end result came out to 34.5 mL.
I thought it’d be fun to compare each infusion, side-by-side.
I swiped some oil on a towel after every infusion. It might be difficult to see, but the word “control” is set in an uninfused Olive oil stain.
All in all,
I love the color, but I can’t help but wonder what could’ve been:
What if I had used the coffee grinder for the first infusion?
What if I had used the digestion method?
What if I had been able to scrape out more oil from my jar after the first two infusions?
What if I had the complete 10g of Calendula for the final round?
What if I had not fried my final infusion?
These are some considerations that will guide my process the next time I do this. Although next time, I hope to have my rigged crock pot - so who knows what other challenges I will encounter?
Still, I have to take a step back and be happy. Especially with nothing to compare my oil to, I am pleased with having done it.
*Weeks have passed since I wrote this, and I have been using the crockpot to infuse oils. It is much more efficient, enjoyable, prolific, and less risky. I have infused Willow bark, Roses, Rosemary, Camphor, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Comfrey, and my favorite - Frankincense resin. The crockpot is definitely the way to go.
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