Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Medicinal Garden Labyrinth

After assessing the needs and desires of my community, it became apparent that what we need is a solid foundation in herbalism.  Establishing that foundation has been keeping me busy, and it's not yet finished, but I am thrilled to present our community project:

This is no ordinary garden.  Appalachia possesses natural gifts unique to its geographic area.  This garden is intended to teach and to delight.  The garden will fulfill a twofold purpose.  First, this project will educate the community about the local wealth that thrives around the inhabitants of West Virginia.  Instead of harvesting fruits and vegetables, this garden will serve to teach our children about identification, cultivation, conservation, and use of Appalachian medicinal plants. Many of the plants around us possess natural therapeutic properties.   People see these plants each day and write them off as weeds.  The Labyrinth will inspire appreciation for our surroundings.  Children from neighboring counties are creating signs to indicate both the common and scientific name of each plant in the garden.  

Please join us in our Facebook group at 

I look forward to seeing you there.

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